The Environmental Sustainability Team is encouraging individual clubs to plant pollinator gardens in their communities in collaboration with county and municipal parks departments
There are an estimated 4000 native bee species in North America. And, they need our help.
Bees and other pollinators are declining in abundance in many parts of the world largely due to intensive farming practices, mono-cropping, excessive use of agricultural chemicals, and higher temperatures associated with climate change. This decrease in population of pollinators affects crop yields and ultimately nutrition.
One important and effective way to increase populations of pollinators like bees is for us to provide habitat for them.
Get your club involved in building native bee houses.
Another project idea would be to replace grass lawns in parks and other public spaces with native pollinator flower gardens. Talk to your local municipality or county about the idea.
You can learn more on these sites:
Conserving Wild Bees in Pennsylvania
Make Your Own Little Bee Houses
Why You Need a Bee Hotel (And how to make it)
Planting Pollinator-friendly Gardens
How to Build a Pollinator Garden
Project Pollinator: Building Gardens for Pollinators, A Comprehensive “How-to” Guide
This list contains many national, state, and local organizations, including groups that could partner with your club on a pollinator project.