District 7430 Environmental Sustainability
Caring for our environment is now Rotary’s 7th Area of Focus, and presents a very exciting challenge for clubs to tackle on a local, regional, national, and international level.
Rotary members are addressing environmental issues the way they always do: coming up with projects, using their connections to change policy, and planning for the future.
In June 2020, The Rotary Foundation Trustees and the Rotary International Board of Directors voted unanimously to approve the Environment as Rotary’s 7th Area of Focus.  Rotary supports activities that strengthen the conservation and protection of natural resources, advance environmental sustainability, and foster harmony between people and the environment.
District 7430 has quickly committed to this area of focus. Efforts are being led by the District’s Environmental Sustainability Team. 
Rotarians and their community partners around the globe are taking action in:
  • Protecting and restoring land, coastal, marine, and freshwater resources
  • Enhancing the capacity of communities to support natural resource management and conservation
  • Supporting sustainable agriculture, fishing, and aquaculture practices
  • Addressing the cause of climate change by reducing the emission of greenhouse gases
  • Strengthening ecosystems and communities affected by climate change
  • Supporting education initiatives that promote behavior that protects the environment
  • Advocating for sustainable consumption to build an economy that uses resources more efficiently
  • Addressing environmental justice issues and public health concerns
RECENT NEWS                                                    
February 7, 2024
ESRAG Meeting
Rotary International at COP28
Register online at: https://esrag.org/event/
April 20, 2024
Rotary Day of Service - A Focus on the Environment
club environmental projects throughout the District
April 26, 27, 28, 2024
Environmental Exhibit at District Conference
Bethlehem, PA
April 27
Environmental Breakout Session
District Conference
Bethlehem, PA
May 24, 2024
WASH Rotary Action Group
World Water Summit 16 - Sustainable Sanitation - we can't wait
Many Rotary Clubs have already appointed a Club Environmental Lead or champion, someone who is interested in the environment and is willing to organize environmental projects within the local community and be a local advocate for Protecting the Environment.
Your club is encouraged to apply for a District Grant to help fund an environmental sustainability project in your community.  The Grants Committee can help you with the application.
Your club may also consider working on a project with a Rotary club from another area of the world.  Clubs are being encouraged by The Rotary Foundation to apply for Global Grants for activities that protect or restore the environment.
Team Members, Mission, and Purpose
Environmental Resources for Rotary Clubs
Organizations that can act as an informational resource or partner for environmental projects and activities.
Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group (ESRAG) is the group of Rotarians who were instrumental in getting “Supporting The Environment” recognized as an Area of Focus. Their experience, expertise, and organization are great resources for Rotarians.
Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Rotary Action Group (WASHRAG) supports and ensures sustainable long-lasting clean water, sanitation, and hygiene programs to communities in need.
Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species (RAGES) supports worldwide initiatives to protect and save endangered species.
Home Page Stories

Don’t Miss Out - Register for the Vibrant Club Summit Today!

Join us for an electrifying day of collaboration, innovation, and inspiration at this year's Vibrant Club Summit on Saturday, September 14! People of Action know that turning vision into reality requires a solid plan. Rotary’s Action Plan is our roadmap to bringing more people together to create lasting, positive change in an evolving world. By focusing on four key priorities—Increase Our Impact, Expand Our Reach, Enhance Participant Engagement, and Increase Our Ability to Adapt—we empower our clubs to grow in membership, boost public awareness, and strengthen our foundation for impactful projects.

The Vibrant Club Summit is your chance to dive into the Rotary Action Plan through dynamic, interactive workshops and collaborative sessions. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn, connect, and grow. Register today to ensure your club is on the path to vibrancy!

September  14, 2024 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Advanced Technology Center at Montgomery County Community College
Register TODAY
Many of you are aware of our District's support and involvement with the Rotary Youth Exchange program which helps build world peace one student at a time. How many of you are aware we offer a short term exchange program that lasts 6-8 weeks as well as the long term exchange program that lasts an academic year? This summer D7430 supported two outbound and two inbound students. Alisa arrived from Finland in late June and was hosted by Sylvana and her family with the support of the West Reading-Wyomissing Rotary Club. They toured many local gems in PA, went to Philadelphia, NYC, Washington, D.C. and even canoed through Canada. The girls participated in the Rotary Club's 4th of July activities including the Field of Honor celebration ceremony and marching in the local parade. All this happened in three weeks! As you read this newsletter August 1st, Sylvana is exploring Finland and learning about its culture. We look forward to hearing about her adventures when she returns.   
The Emmaus Rotary club also supported a short-term exchange. Kyra, a local Emmaus student, started her exchange in Austria with Pamina's family. As of the writing of this announcement, we are waiting to hear about her adventures in Austria. The girls are traveling to the USA together and Kyra will expose Pamina to our local communities. NYC, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., and they have plans to visit the Emmaus Rotary Club, and attend an Iron Pigs game.  
Please reach out to Rose Galeano-Phillips at RotaryRose@gmail.com for more information about youth participating in the direct family-to-family short-term exchange next summer. There is no cost to the club for the short-term exchange. Students pay the airfare, insurance, and a minimal participation fee. 
In just a few short weeks we will welcome the inbound long-term exchange class of 2024-25. D7430 is hosting six students. You will have the opportunity to meet them at various district events throughout the year. If you have a special place, meal, or activity you would like to share with the students, please reach out to the committee to let us know and coordinate the details. We also have four outbound students who will be spending 10 months abroad starting in August.
We are always welcoming new committee members to serve as much or little as you are able. We typically meet in person in connection with our student gatherings and other times Zoom together to square up details for events. Help as you are able. For some of our gatherings it’s as easy as donating snacks and beverages. Check out our website for more information. Rotary7430YEP.org
Believe it or not, it’s time to start contacting your local high schools to determine if they have any students aged 15-18 who are interested in studying abroad 2025-26. Applications will start being accepted mid-September 2024. We don’t want to rush the summer but we want to be prepared for the fall. Grace Clancy is our outbound student coordinator for D7430. Grace can be reached at clancygrace@hotmail.com.
Linda Kennedy is the District Youth Exchange Chairperson and can be contacted at yepchair7430@gmail.com if you have any additional questions. We hope you have the opportunity to interact with these wonderful students and learn about their experiences.

Polio Eradication and Rotary’s Focus
on Disease Prevention and Treatment

We look forward to honoring World Polio Day on October 24. Polio eradication has remained Rotary’s #1 priority . . . and nothing about it has been easy. Their efforts to achieve this have been tireless.

District 7430 honors the Horsham Rotary Club for hosting this year’s Race to Zero in our district. The family-friendly Race to Zero is being held on Sunday, October 13, at Simmons Elementary School, Babylon Road in Horsham. Join us! Register Here!

The Rotary Foundation is equally determined in its efforts to spread the message about the power of vaccines to save lives. As we support the 2024 Race to Zero, let's focus on the Call to Action, that emphasizes the Area of Focus: Disease Prevention and Treatment. Rotary is encouraging us all to bring the message of the miracle of vaccines home – home to our OWN communities.

Feel free to contact me to speak to your Club about Polio Eradication and about ideas of fun projects on how your Club can support these efforts in YOUR Community.

Yours in Rotary service,

Carol Ferguson

Email: d7430endpoliocarol@gmail.com


District 7430 Learning Plan for 2024-2025                                   
Presidents’ meeting
Monday, 9/9/24
5:30-6:00 PM
Club Presidents & AGs
DG Katie Farrell
Presidents’ meeting
Monday 10/14/24
5:30-6:00 PM
Club Presidents& AGs
DG Katie Farrell
Learning Opportunity:
Monday 10/14/24
6:00-7:00 PM
All District 7430 Rotarians
Dr. Robert Gordon
Presidents’ meeting
Monday 11/11/24
5:30-6:00 PM
Club Presidents & AGs
DG Katie Farrell
Learning Opportunity:
Monday 11/11/24
6:00-7:00 PM
All District 7430 Rotarians
PDG Cindy Hornaman
Presidents’ meeting
Action Plan
Monday 12/9/24
5:30-6:00 PM
Club Presidents & AGs
DG Katie Farrell
Learning Opportunity:
Monday 12/9/24
6:00-7:00 PM
All District 7430 Rotarians
Club Runner Representative
Presidents’ meeting
Monday 1/13/25
5:30-6:00 PM
Club Presidents & AGs
DG Katie Farrell
Learning Opportunity:
Monday 1/13/25
6:00-7:00 PM
All District 7430 Rotarians
PDG Cindy Hornaman and the Grant team
Presidents’ meeting
Monday 2/10/25
5:30-6:00 PM
Club Presidents & AGs
DG Katie Farrell
Learning Opportunity
Monday 2/10/25
6:00-7:00 PM
All District 7430 Rotarians
Gwenn Carr and Panel
Presidents’ meeting
Monday 3/10/25
5:30-6:00 PM
Club Presidents & AGs
DG Katie Farrell
Learning Opportunity
Monday 3/10/25
6:00-7:00 PM
All District 7430 Rotarians
Amy Sheller and the Public Image team
7430 Conference
April 6 – April 8
All District 7430 Rotarians
Hershey Lodge
Presidents’ meeting
Monday 4/14/25
5:30-6:00 PM
Club Presidents & AGs
DG Katie Farrell
Presidents’ meeting
Monday 5/12/25
5:30-6:00 PM
Club Presidents & AGs
DG Katie Farrell
Learning Opportunity:
Monday 5/12/25
6:00-7:00 PM
All District 7430 Rotarians
Darlene Scott and Youth Services Panel
Rotary International Conference 
May 21-25
All District 7430 Rotarians
Presidents’ meeting
Monday 6/2/25
5:30-6:00 PM
Club Presidents & AGs
DG Katie Farrell
Congratulations to D7430. With 19 Hero Clubs ($1,000 minimum donation), D7430 was the US leader this past Rotary year. We were also a leader with nearly $40K contributed. Your generous support helps us save lives and give hope to displaced persons to be able to rebuild their lives. A map of our current deployments is below.
A critical part of Shelter Box’s work is prepositioning supplies to allow a more rapid response to disasters. Locations in the Philippines, Panama, and Turkey allow for rapid deployment in emergencies such as Hurricane Beryl in the Caribbean. The “Stock the Box” campaign runs through September and contributions go towards emergency preparedness. Go to https://www.shelterboxusa.org/ to learn more and to donate.
Shelter Box is committed to sustainability. We have dramatically reduced the amount of single-use plastic to curb pollution. Other efforts are ongoing and will be reported upon completion.
Do you want a Shelter Box presence at a club event or do you need a presentation to your club? Contact D7430 Ambassador Bill Tuszynski at bill.tuszynski@gmail.com or 267-374-1631 to put us on your calendar. Contact Bill if you are interested in getting more involved with Shelter Box, either as a co-Ambassador or Club Champion.
Collaborating with Student Volunteers
Looking for a way to get younger volunteers involved in your environmental projects? Think about engaging with college students. You will find that many colleges and universities have student clubs and activities that are focused on environmental issues. Those student organizations are very often looking for environmental projects where they can get their hands dirty.
In addition, many schools have volunteer service requirements. Alvernia University in Reading, for example, has a program that requires all undergraduate and adult students to perform at least 40 hours of community service before being certified for graduation by the Registrar’s Office. Many other colleges have a similar requirement.
My club (West Reading-Wyomissing) helps with an annual fall cleanup at the Reading Public Museum’s Arboretum. We always get Alvernia students to help out. They are eager to dig in.
Also, don’t forget about your Interactors. We always ask our Wilson High School Interact Club to help out with all our environmental projects – highway and trail cleanups, tree plantings, our plastics collection project, the fall arboretum leaf raking, and they always help us give away tree saplings at our annual West Reading FallFest. 
Think about how your club’s environmental projects can benefit from getting young people involved.
Terry Reed
Chair, District Environmental Sustainability Team
Rotary District 7430 Partners in Life-Changing Global Grant in Cambodia
Reported by Mike Orbin
I recently returned from a mission to Cambodia, where I witnessed the transformative impact of Rotary District 7430’s Global Grant GG2343143. This grant, focused on improving living conditions, has brought hope and better health to many families in the Pursat Region of Cambodia. I am thankful to the Allentown Rotary Club for contributing the initial funds to the Rotary Foundation in support of this project.
This is also a shining example of Rotary’s commitment to creating lasting change in communities around the world. The collaboration of the Rotary Club of Pursat and the non-profit organization of Sustainable Cambodia has been instrumental in driving these efforts. Sustainable Cambodia was founded in 2003 by Richard Allen, a member of the Rotary Club of Gainesville (D-6970), Florida. Sustainable Cambodia has been empowering rural Cambodian families by helping them create a sustainable quality of life with safe water and sanitation, sustainable incomes, healthy food, and quality education for their children.
On this trip, I had the profound experience of escorting Sok Yi, a Cambodian student my wife Alicia, a member of the Emmaus Rotary Club, and I have been sponsoring, back to her home in Cambodia after successfully undergoing scoliosis treatment at Shriners Children’s Hospital in Honolulu. I first met Sok Yi in person at the Rotary-sponsored Kravanh Bright Future Center school she was attending. This medical treatment, which involved Halo Traction and Spinal Fusion Surgery plus some major dental work and vision screening, was initiated by me and coordinated with the help of Rotarians on the Sustainable Cambodia volunteer Board of Directors and with Sustainable Cambodia staff in Pursat Province and funded by donations from Rotarians and other supporters worldwide, with Shriners Hospital for Children providing all medical services for free. Sok Yi’s journey culminated in her return home four inches taller, straighter and healthier. This marks a significant improvement in her quality of life, allowing her to live with greater comfort and now giving her the opportunity to further her studies in information technology at a university in Phnom Penh, where she is applying for a scholarship.
Interested in learning more? The 2nd Quarterly Report and photos from my visit are available online (Click on 2ndQuarterly Report of Global Grant GG2343143  and Photos from Pursat Region)
We encourage all Rotarians to stay informed and continue supporting these vital efforts. You can also join a trip with other Rotarians to Cambodia sponsored by Sustainable Cambodia this November 2024 and January 2025 to see the positive impact Rotary is having on the children and villagers in rural Central Cambodia (click on link to Visit SC in Cambodia-Sustainable Cambodia Trips to learn more).
For more information and/or a presentation to your Club, contact Mike Orbin, Bethlehem Morning Star Rotary Club.
D7430 Rotary Youth Exchange 
It’s back to school time for many and to the Rotary Youth Exchange committee it means welcoming our next group of exchange students. This year we are fortunate to have six students in our district. The first chance to meet them is during our inbound orientation September 6-8 in the Horsham area. If you want to learn more about the exchange program, let us know and we’ll share more details. 
How can you and your club get involved now?
1. Recruit 15-18 year-old-students who want to study abroad for the 2025-26 academic year or for the Short Term Exchange program the summer of 2025. Applications will be accepted starting in October. District interviews are December 8.
2. Find host families willing to open their doors to an incoming exchange student. (Typically, we divide the year into 2-3 different families for each student. The host families must be in the same school district for consistency for the student.)
3. Join our committee – we meet monthly with the students and take them on short trips or experiences to enhance their time in the States.
Want to explore the exchange student program for our district? Check out the website: Rotary7430YEP.org  If you want to attend any of our events, please email the contact. We don’t put exact location details online because they are minors and the site is public.
Help us make this the best year of their lives!
*If you have season tickets to sports or theater or a great vacation home or access to something unique to the United States, please share your treasures with these students. We’d be happy to connect you to the students to make their exchange year the best it can be.
Ana from Brazil sponsored by the Rotary Club of Willow Grove
Anaya from India sponsored by the Rotary Club of Allentown West
Antek from Poland sponsored by the Rotary Club of Bethlehem Morning Star and Bethlem
Emi from Agrentina sponsored by the Rotary Club of Emmaus
Leander from Germany sponsored by the Rotary Club of Kutztown
Zoe from Switzerland sponsored by the Rotary Club of West Reading-Wyomissing
Linda Kennedy, Chair  YEPChair7430@gmail.com
Carolyne Jordan, RYE Public Image ship934me@gmail
D7430 Rotaplast Team Needs Your Financial Support!
What is a Smile Worth? It’s Priceless When Lost!
Imagine your child being born with a cleft lip or palate and your family not having health care insurance or money to fix the problem. There are children faced with these malformities who will never get the medical help they need and deserve. Children must learn to speak with a nasal lisp or struggle with eating issues because of a deformed palate. 
Rotaplast International and our District 7430 Rotaplast volunteers work collaboratively to help children and families worldwide by eliminating the burden of cleft lip and/or palate. Rotaplast sends medical and non-medical teams to provide 100-percent-free reconstructive surgery. That’s right, FREE surgeries for every patient we serve. This, to our team, is the Magic of Rotary.
Did you know that one surgery only costs $800? Would you or your club consider sponsoring a surgery or partial surgery? Any amount will help us come closer to our large fundraising goals.
Do you want to learn more about our 2024 Medellin, Columbia mission trip? A trip where surgeons performed 101 procedures and saved the smiles of 81 patients? Rotarians who traveled to Columbia are willing to visit your club to share the compelling stories and pictures of this amazing humanitarian effort to save these beautiful children’s smiles. 
Together we can bring hope to children who count on us to bring the Magic of Rotary to them. Please reach out to Steve Kendra at stevenkendra@gmail.com or Darlene Scott at dscott8956@gmail.com to donate or schedule a club presentation. 

Announcing Our Keynote Speaker
for the Vibrant Club Summit!

We are thrilled to announce that Chris Etienne, Zone 32 Rotary International Director, will be our keynote speaker at this year's Vibrant Club Summit on September 14. Chris will speak virtually and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in the Rotary Action Plan. We are excited to hear insights that will inspire and empower your club to thrive.

The Vibrant Club Summit will feature engaging and interactive sessions focused on increasing our impact, expanding our reach, enhancing participant engagement, and increasing our ability to adapt. Join us for a day of learning, sharing, and networking with fellow Rotarians committed to making a difference. Register now for the Vibrant Club Summit hosted by Rotary District 7430 on September 14 at Montgomery County Community College Blue Bell campus.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of an event that promises to inspire and energize our efforts in making a lasting impact. Secure your spot today and be ready to be inspired by Chris Etienne and collaborate with fellow Rotary members.

Register now and join us for a day of innovation, collaboration, and growth!

Registration link: https://rotarydistrict7430.org/event/vibrant-club-summit-hosted-by-rotary-district-7430/

The New Rotary Year is in Full Swing!  Let’s focus on our Foundation. We can increase our impact.
Are you thinking:
  • Foundation Month is in November. Do you have a Foundation Program Planned? What can you and your club do to support the foundation even more?
  • Did you finalize your grant reporting from the 2023-2024 Rotary Year? We have some awesome projects. The projects from 2023-2024 include:
Allentown West
Community Park Communications 
Bethlehem Morning Star
Kenya School Rehabilitation
Bethlehem Morning Star
Bicycle Transportation Community 
Mindfulness Matters
Renovation Women’s Shelter
Garden of Health
Brandywine Library
Adopt a South African Pre-school
North Penn
Fiara Therapy Blankets
North Penn 
Easter Seals Eye Gaze
Renovation Historic Treasure
Springtownship Flourtown
Park Pavilion
Springtownship Centennial
Casa of Berks County
Upper Perkiomen
Little Free Library
Community Park Development
Park Preserve Equipment
Fiara Project Blankets
Ironton Trail Bike Station Repair
West Reading-Wyomissing
Community Tree Planting
  • We are so proud: in 2023-2024 our district had 106 new contributors to our Rotary Foundation. Can we be a 100% giving district?
  • Do you know about Rotary Endowment funds? You can help secure more funding for our foundation.
Let’s Support our Rotary Foundation! Would you like a program at your club about any foundation topic? Contact Cindy Hornaman: hornamca@ptd.net and we will have someone come to  you!

Exciting Public Image Updates

from the

Brand Center and Learning Center!

Brand Center:

We're thrilled to announce the addition of new resources to the Brand Center, including two impactful radio ads. These ads are designed to tell the public who we are and what we do. Use the search bar to type 'radio' to see all our radio content. Consider asking radio stations in your community to air them:

  1. "We Are Rotary" Ad: This ad highlights how Rotary members solve problems and address community needs, inviting others to join us in taking action.
  2. "Vaccinating Every Child Under Five" Ad: This ad underscores the effectiveness of vaccines and Rotary’s steadfast work to eradicate polio alongside our partners.

In the coming weeks, Rotary Showcase will be retired to make way for the Service Project Center (SPC). This dynamic and feature-rich hub will offer improved tools for managing your projects, better speed, and streamlined processes.

Learning Center:

Check out the new course Using Rotary's Trademarks. This course will teach you how to correctly use Rotary names and trademarks for your club, district, or other Rotary entities such as Rotary Action Groups or Rotary Fellowships. Learn how to align these with Rotary’s vision and brand to effectively promote your events and service projects, enhancing recognition in your community. (Be sure to log into My Rotary first.)

Stay tuned for these exciting updates and make the most of these new tools and resources!

Do you have Public Image questions or are you looking for a public image speaker? Reach out to our team via Amy Sheller, District 7430 Public Image Chair at amycsheller@gmail.com


Setting Membership Goals for the New Rotary Year:
A Strategic Approach
As Rotary club presidents embark on a new year, setting clear and achievable membership goals is paramount to the continued success and vitality of our organizations. Membership is the cornerstone of Rotary, providing us with the resources, diversity of thought, and collective strength to serve our communities effectively.
Why Set Membership Goals?
  • Increased Impact: A larger membership base enables us to undertake more ambitious service projects and make a greater positive impact on our communities.
  • Enhanced Diversity: Diverse membership fosters a more inclusive and dynamic Rotary experience, reflecting the rich tapestry of our communities.
  • Strengthened Networks: A growing membership expands our professional and social networks, creating opportunities for collaboration and mutual support.
  • Improved Financial Stability: Increased membership can lead to higher dues revenue, providing essential resources for club operations and service initiatives.
Examples of Membership Goals:
  • Quantitative Goals:
    • Increase membership by 10% within the next year.
    • Recruit at least 5 new members from the local business community.
    • Attract 2 young professionals to join the club.
  • Qualitative Goals:
    • Enhance membership diversity in terms of age, gender, profession, and cultural background.
    • Foster a welcoming and inclusive environment for all members.
    • Increase member engagement and participation in club activities.
Reflecting the Communities We Serve
Ensuring that our membership reflects the diversity of the communities we serve is essential to our mission. By actively seeking to include individuals from all walks of life, we can create a more inclusive and representative Rotary. This not only strengthens our connection to our communities but also enriches our own experiences as Rotarians.
By setting clear membership goals and implementing effective action plans, Rotary club presidents can play a vital role in ensuring the continued growth and success of their organizations. By fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment, we can attract new members, strengthen our impact, and create a lasting legacy of service.
STEM YEA (Youth Explorer Academy)
By the Numbers
We received 75 student names, 60 of whom were cleared for Registration. Of those, 55 students actually arrived at check-in on Thursday, July 11. We hired five certified teachers; one bowed out a few days before with COVID-19 symptoms. Five amazing college interns from Kutztown University, Cornell University, and Drexel University worked with the students during our three-and-a-half-day adventure as we “Searched for Life on Mars.” 
Over 20 District 7430 Rotary Clubs sent students, and 46 District 7430 Rotarians did not let the high temperature stop them from walking the students across campus or assisting with check-in and check-out. 
Our thanks to each of you who participated in this fantastic event. You have touched the future by working with these young scientists.
Pictured are the volunteers on Sunday who helped with the final additions to the projects, cleaning the dorms and preparing for the Celebration Dinner.
Rotary Youth Exchange Programs
Many of you are aware of our District's support and involvement with the Rotary Youth Exchange program that helps build world peace one student at a time. How many of you are aware that we offer a short-term exchange program that lasts 6-8 weeks, as well as the long-term exchange program that lasts an academic year? 
This summer D7430 supported two outbound and two inbound students. Alisa arrived from Finland in late June and was hosted by Sylvana and her family with the support of the West Reading-Wyomissing Rotary Club. They toured many local gems in PA, went to Philadelphia, NYC, Washington, D.C. and even canoed through Canada. The girls participated in the Rotary Club's 4th of July activities including the Field of Honor celebration ceremony and marching in the local parade. All this happened in three weeks! As you read this newsletter August 1st, Sylvana is exploring Finland and learning about their culture. We look forward to hearing about her adventures when she returns.   
The Emmaus Rotary Club also supported a short-term exchange. Kyra, a local Emmaus student, started her exchange in Austria with Pamina's family. As of the writing of this article, we are waiting to hear about her adventures in Austria. The girls will travel to the USA together and Kyra will expose Pamina to our local communities: NYC, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., and they have plans to visit the Emmaus Rotary Club, and attend an Iron Pigs game.  
Please reach out to Rose Galeano-Phillips at RotaryRose@gmail.com for more information about youth participating in the direct family-to-family short-term exchange next summer. There is no cost to the club for the short-term exchange. Students pay the airfare, insurance and a minimal participation fee. 
In just a few short weeks we will welcome the inbound long-term exchange class of 2024-25. D7430 is hosting six students. You will have the opportunity to meet them at various district events throughout the year. If you have a special place, meal, or activity you would like to share with the students, please reach out to the committee to let us know and coordinate the details. We also have four outbound students who will be spending 10 months abroad starting in August.
We are always welcoming new committee members to serve as much or little as they are able. We typically meet in person in connection with our student gatherings and other times we Zoom together to square up details for events. Help as you are able. For some of our gatherings it’s as easy as donating snacks and beverages. Check out our website for more information. Rotary7430YEP.org
Believe it or not, it’s time to start contacting your local high schools to determine if they have any students aged 15-18 who are interested in studying abroad 2025-26. Applications will start being accepted mid-September 2024. We don’t want to rush the summer but we want to be prepared for the fall. Grace Clancy is our outbound student coordinator for D7430. Grace can be reached at clancygrace@hotmail.com.
Linda Kennedy is the District Youth Exchange Chairperson and can be contacted at yepchair7430@gmail.com for any additional questions. 
We hope you have the opportunity to interact with these wonderful students and learn about their experiences.
Sponsor a Rotary Community Corps
to Prioritize Local Environmental Projects
A Rotary Community Corps (RCC) is a group of non-Rotary members who share our commitment to changing the world through service projects. RCC members partner with Rotary clubs to plan and carry out projects in their communities. Think about forming an RCC in your community with a focus on the environment. It’s a way to engage your neighbors and friends who may not be interested in becoming a Rotarian, but who want to do environmental projects. By elevating the knowledge, voices, and talents of local people with deep awareness about local environmental priorities, we can co-design sustainable projects with long-term community support to advance environmental priorities.
You can learn how to form a Rotary Community Corps at www.rotary.org/en/our-programs/rotary-community-corps
Have you wondered how you can join in the District Environmental Sustainability Team’s efforts to help clubs plan and carry out environmental projects? It’s very easy. Give me a call and I’ll tell you what we’re doing and I’ll explain how to join our next team meeting on Zoom on Tuesday, August 13, at 7:00 p.m.  
We will be brainstorming ways to get more clubs involved in environmental projects that go beyond highway, stream, trail, and park cleanups, particularly planting pollinator gardens and community gardens, plastics recycling, and tree plantings. We will also be discussing new programs to roll out for clubs including developing projects on keeping food waste out of landfills. We would love to have you join in the fun. Everyone is welcome.
Terry Reed
Chair, District Environmental Sustainability Team

I volunteered to become a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) champion when our district sought leaders in this area. I truly believe that as an organization, we hold immense potential to drive meaningful change, and in my view, DEI initiatives are tantamount to peace initiatives.

People yearn to contribute, feel included, and be welcomed, and as Rotarians, we have the power to make that a reality. Rotary International has long been a frontrunner in advocating for DEI, and I am pleased to announce that our DEI committee will be integrating into the district membership committee, where our efforts will continue to thrive.

Serving as the co-chair of this committee has been both an honor and a privilege. I've had the opportunity to collaborate with remarkable Rotarians from District 7430, and I eagerly anticipate watching their commendable work persist and flourish within the membership committee.

Mary L. Cook
District Governor Elect
District 7430 Learning Plan for 2024-2025
Presidents’ meeting
Monday, 8/12/24
5:30-6:00 PM
Club Presidents & AGs 
DG Katie Farrell
Learning Opportunity: OUR LEARNING CENTER
Monday, 8/12/24
6:00-7:00 PM
All District 7430 Rotarians
Edmond Colon
Presidents’ meeting
Monday, 9/9/24
5:30-6:00 PM
Club Presidents & AGs
DG Katie Farrell
Presidents’ meeting
Monday 10/14/24
5:30-6:00 PM
Club Presidents& AGs
DG Katie Farrell
Learning Opportunity:
Monday 10/14/24
6:00-7:00 PM
All District 7430 Rotarians
Dr. Robert Gordon
Presidents’ meeting
Monday 11/11/24
5:30-6:00 PM
Club Presidents & AGs
DG Katie Farrell
Learning Opportunity:
Monday 11/11/24
6:00-7:00 PM
All District 7430 Rotarians
PDG Cindy Hornaman
Presidents’ meeting
Action Plan
Monday 12/9/24
5:30-6:00 PM
Club Presidents & AGs
DG Katie Farrell
Learning Opportunity:
Monday 12/9/24
6:00-7:00 PM
All District 7430 Rotarians
Club Runner Representative
Presidents’ meeting
Monday 1/13/25
5:30-6:00 PM
Club Presidents & AGs
DG Katie Farrell
Learning Opportunity:
Monday 1/13/25
6:00-7:00 PM
All District 7430 Rotarians
PDG Cindy Hornaman and the Grant team
Presidents’ meeting
Monday 2/10/25
5:30-6:00 PM
Club Presidents & AGs
DG Katie Farrell
Learning Opportunity
Monday 2/10/25
6:00-7:00 PM
All District 7430 Rotarians
Gwenn Carr and Panel
Presidents’ meeting
Monday 3/10/25
5:30-6:00 PM
Club Presidents & AGs
DG Katie Farrell
Learning Opportunity
Monday 3/10/25
6:00-7:00 PM
All District 7430 Rotarians
Amy Sheller and the Public Image team
7430 Conference
April 6 – April 8
All District 7430 Rotarians
Hershey Lodge
Presidents’ meeting
Monday 4/14/25
5:30-6:00 PM
Club Presidents & AGs
DG Katie Farrell
Presidents’ meeting
Monday 5/12/25
5:30-6:00 PM
Club Presidents & AGs
DG Katie Farrell
Learning Opportunity:
Monday 5/12/25
6:00-7:00 PM
All District 7430 Rotarians
Darlene Scott and Youth Services Panel
Rotary International Conference 
May 21-25
All District 7430 Rotarians
Presidents’ meeting
Monday 6/2/25
5:30-6:00 PM
Club Presidents & AGs
DG Katie Farrell
District 7430 Tops ShelterBox Donations
Thanks to the generosity of D7430 Rotarians and Clubs, we are the leading district in the US in donations to ShelterBox for the current Rotary year. Hero clubs for the year to date are:
Gold (≥$5,000)
Silver (≥$3,000)
Bronze (≥$1,000)
Bethlehem Morning Star
Willow Grove
Allentown West
Central Perkiomen
Wyomissing-West Reading
Please consider adding your club to the list before the end of the year.
Many are asking about ShelterBox in Gaza. Distributing tents and boxes is not feasible as there are no camps for families to stay. Instead, ShelterBox has been distributing tarps and tools to allow families to repair damaged structures along with tarps, blankets, warm clothing, solar lights, and water purification kits. ShelterBox staff continues to monitor the situation in Gaza to determine when a full deployment might be feasible.
Contact D7430 Shelter Box Ambassador Bill Tuszynski (267-374-1631; bill.tuszynski@gmail.com) to schedule a presentation to your club or to reserve the box and tent for a club event.
Teaching Kids About Pollinators
The District Pilot Pollinator Garden is located at Camp Edmar near Kutztown. The facility is a Boy Scout and Girl Scout camp that was founded in the early 1950s by the Kutztown Rotary Club. The club still supports the camp seven decades later. 
On Saturday, June 8, there will be a gathering of Scouts at the camp to learn all about pollinators and their biological function in pollinating plants. Rotarians will be involved in the educational session. The Scouts will also be building bee boxes to create habitat for pollinator insects and planting some flowering trees adjacent to the gardens. The public is invited to the event to be held between 10:00 am and noon. You can view the three pollinator gardens that were planted last fall and funded through a Rotary District Grant. Come on out!
More clubs have been joining in on the soft plastics recycling initiative that can earn your club a park bench for your community. Collect 1000 pounds of plastic bags and plastic film (the soft stuff) and The Trex Company will send you a free park bench. It’s easy, you don’t have to store the plastic (your local grocer will take it), and you will help keep plastics out of our streams, highways, neighborhoods, and landfills. Call me to discuss the specifics.
Terry Reed
District Environmental Sustainability Chair
  • As we begin our new Rotary Year—let’s FOCUS: Foundation!
  • Our giving to the Foundation has such amazing impact in all of our clubs, both locally and internationally. What can YOU DO to provide donations for all of our projects? 
  • Let’s tell our stories about our projects through the Foundation using our Public image tools.
  • Let’s increase our membership by focusing on our projects and allowing members of our community to get involved to view our impact.
  • And our new “NEWS”: Our Journey to the Next Million started in the Rotary Year 2021-2022 with the goal of our District 7430 Donations to the Rotary Foundation to exceed one million dollars. Although all the numbers are not yet final, WE HAVE DONE IT! Our giving at press time exceeded $1 Million...we were at $1,303,099 and counting!
  • Our Polio donations have exceeded our goal: we are now at $36K!
  • Our Annual Fund Donations are now at $259,398 – and we have work to do for more contributions to the Annual Fund.
Thank you so much to everyone. Let’s now Make the Magic Happen! 
Rotary International Convention – Singapore
May 2024
I attended my very first Rotary International Convention in beautiful Singapore and it was incredible!
Since 1910, the Rotary convention has combined fellowship with Rotary business and inspired attendees with notable guest speakers, workshops, and messages from Rotary leaders.
This year, over 13,000 Rotarians from around the world attended the convention. Plenary and breakout sessions focused on global priorities such as mental health awareness and wellbeing, and peace and fostering world understanding. In addition, there were many tactical presentations on Rotary Action Plan priorities such as membership growth.
Next year’s Rotary International Convention will be held in Calgary, Canada, on June 21-25. Calgary is home to people of more than 240 ethnicities who speak 165 languages. It will also provide the opportunity to attend the world-famous Calgary Stampede https://venues.calgarystampede.com, which will begin several days after the 2025 convention ends.
After attending a Rotary International convention, you will be forever changed by the sense of purpose and belonging in the world’s largest service organization dedicated to world peace and prosperity.  
I am so grateful to be part of this organization, and specifically, our amazing District.
Katie Farrell
District Governor District 7430
Photo: “The Gem” waterfall inside the Singapore Airport

Membership in Focus

As we enter our new Rotary year, we are always refocusing, reimagining and reinventing. Most clubs have a new president at the helm and with that come some fresh ideas and initiatives. As our District Membership Team grows, we are focused on you and your clubs and we want to help you grow. Our new RI president, Stephanie Urchick, has challenged us to grow our district by 100 net new members. That may seem like a lofty goal, but it is possible. Let’s set our sights high and surpass our expectations. Let the Rotary Magic begin!


Our Rotary District 7430 Changeover Celebration

 On June 20, 2024 we celebrated our Annual Rotary District 7430 Officer Changeover Celebration. With over 100 Rotarians at the William Penn Inn- it was truly a celebration. Rotarians from all around our district enjoying the fellowship of one another.

DG Diane presented a review of the activities of the 2023-24 Rotary Year along with several recognitions of service and accomplishments.
Our Past District Governors held the annual Council of Governors meeting where DG Diane reviewed the 2023 -2024 Rotary Year and DG for 2024-2025 Katie shared visions and plans for the next Rotary Year.
Each year we hold a “pass the gavel” ceremony going from the most senior governor and ending with our new DG and future District Governors.
The pinning of Katie Farrell as our new DG and official banner exchange from the Bethlehem Club to the Warminster Club ended the evening with DG Katie presenting the district’s new vision and goals for our new Rotary Year starting today, July 1, 2024.



Rotaplast Update from Medellin


I’ve recently completed my first Rotaplast mission. We traveled to Medellin, Colombia and our team of volunteer Rotarians and medical specialists provided cleft lip and/or palate surgeries for over 80 children. Some children walked for over three days with their parents to come out of the remote areas for this life-changing procedure. Our humanitarian medical team even trained local interns and medical students on how to care for and support these children. Education and sustainability are a big part of Rotaplast. Working ourselves out of a job in Colombia is part of the mission.  

The main thing I came home with from this mission was a reinforcement of not how different life was there, or the people were in Colombia – it was how similar we were. Parents with tears of joy seeing their children now with a better chance to be free, strong, and supported in their communities.There were non-profit organizations offering new shoes to each child, some wearing them, I’m sure, for the first time in their lives. There was a government doing the best they could to support this effort by providing transportation, housing, and support. Local Rotarians worked with us every day to help in any way they could. They provided lunches, transportation, and translators for us, and educated us on their efforts to serve their community with love. Mucho Gusto, by the way, means “it’s nice to meet you.” I feel like I heard that phrase a thousand times during our mission. And you know what? It really was. 

Embark on an Unforgettable Journey to Ancient Cambodia with Fellow Rotarians
Join Rotarians on an Extraordinary Adventure with Sustainable Cambodia
Announcing an incredible opportunity for Rotarians to explore the rich history and vibrant culture of Cambodia while making a significant impact on local communities. Rotarians from around the world are invited to join a 10-day excursion organized in partnership with Sustainable Cambodia. This journey promises to be more than just a tourist trip—it is a chance to witness firsthand the transformative power of Rotary projects in remote areas of Cambodia.
Trip Highlights
During this unique trip, participants will explore some of Cambodia's most iconic and historic locations. Highlights include:
  • Phnom Penh: Discover the heart of Cambodia's capital city, rich with historical significance and cultural landmarks.
  • Siem Reap:
  • Pursat Province: Venture far off the typical tourist routes to visit village families and see the direct impact of Rotary projects in these remote communities.
The Magic of STEM YEA
Join us as a volunteer for STEM YEA July 11-14 at Kutztown University. Volunteers walk the students from the dorms to the South Dining Hall and the labs and classrooms on the north side of the campus. We have certified teachers and college interns to manage the STEM and project-building sessions. Volunteers assist underserved seventh graders in planning a trip to Mars. You will learn much more about Astrobiology than when you attended school!
Experience the magic of community and shared purpose at STEM YEA. Witness 60 students from 20+ clubs in our district come together and blossom into scientists over a four-day period. The best part? There are no charges for you to attend, have breakfast or lunch with us, or join us for an evening show in the Kutztown Planetarium. We're all in this together, and we can't wait to have you join us! 
Come to Kutztown University for a few hours to “do good in the world.”
(Photo shows last year's STEM YEA graduates wearing their official lab coats)
To volunteer, click the link below.
Would your club like to participate in an international hosting opportunity?
Here's your chance! We are looking for a club to host  2-3 nights, 10 Australians coming to our district from Sept. 17 to Oct. 1, 2024. They are a lot of fun and speak English. (Australian English, anyway!)
The hosts provide a place to sleep, and breakfast, and as a group, take them to see things of interest in your immediate area. Any activity with a fee they pay for themselves.
If you'd like to meet new people and make lifetime friends, please email deeleng@gmail.com or call her: 610 428 3355 to discuss this opportunity.
Meet your District Governor-Elect
Hi! My name is Mary Cook and I have been a Collegeville Rotarian since 2007. I am interested in connecting with all current President-Elects. Please connect with me at marycook7430@gmail.com or our 25-26 district facilitor, Herb Klotz, at herbk.rotary@gmail.com
My husband, Doug, and I started our Rotary journey in the early 90s when we hosted our first exchange student from France. We were living in Maine at the time. Doug was the charter president of the KennebunkPortside Rotary. We only hosted Gael for two weeks in the summer and on vacations, but it was enough for me to know this was a very impressive program. 
From 1991 – 2012, we hosted nineteen YEP students and befriended many more. In 2006, our oldest daughter went to Recife, Brasil for her exchange. 
Another favorite program that I was part of in Maine was a Rotary youth program called Friends Forever, which is a peace-building program that involves students in 8th and 9thgrades. Friends Forever is now its own 501c3. 
Youth and peace are important areas of focus for me as well as the environment. Collegeville Rotary started a soft plastics recycling program last year. By working with local citizens and coordinating with a church group, we have taken close to 1,000 pounds of soft plastics out of our waste stream. 
I wish DG Katie all the magic that Rotary has to offer! 
Mary L. Cook
Collegeville Rotary
In the wake of a devastating crisis in Ukraine, a beacon of hope emerged from an unexpected collaboration between Rotary districts. It all began nearly two years ago, during the Zone 28/32 Conference in Toronto, where four past governor classmates initiated a dialogue that would set the stage for a remarkable journey of impact!

Aware of the opportunity provided through The Rotary Foundation Disaster Grants program, the idea of pooling resources to maximize aid took shape. With the enthusiastic support of then DG Len and Foundation Chair Cindy, the ambitious goal of securing a grant of $100,000, was set in motion. Pooling efforts with other districts, the collective strength amplified their impact. District 7430, though its contribution seemed modest, played a crucial role in making the full impact possible.

As the grant unfolded, tangible results began to surface. A mobile water filtration system, AQUASET-RO 1000, was acquired directly from the supplier. Medical and dental supplies, along with essential winter clothing, were procured and transported to Ukraine, reaching thousands in need.

The thermal clothing, in particular, proved invaluable in the harsh winter, providing comfort and protection to those enduring the bitter cold. Meanwhile, the water purification unit brought safe drinking water to villages between Mykolaiv and Kherson, benefiting thousands of residents.

Borys Bodnar, a Ukrainian Rotary member, attested to the significance of these efforts, emphasizing how the thermal clothing and water purification system were instrumental in sustaining communities through ongoing hardships.

Tony Preston, the project coordinator echoed this sentiment, acknowledging the undeniable success of the project, evidenced by the overwhelming demand for aid. While the exact number of lives touched may never be fully quantified, the impact undoubtedly spans tens of thousands, with countless individuals receiving crucial medical care and comfort during their time of need.

Through collaboration and unwavering dedication, Rotary districts came together to make a tangible difference in the lives of those affected by the crisis in Ukraine. This story stands as a testament to the power of connection in Rotary and taking collective action in the spirit of humanitarianism.
Protecting Our Waterways
There is a new collaboration between the United Nations Environment Programme and Rotary. Through this partnership, Rotarians are encouraged to clean up, protect, and monitor their local waterways. The strategic partnership aligns with both the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and Rotary’s environment area of focus.
The partnership “brings together Rotary’s community-based solutions and UNEP’s technical expertise,” RI President-elect Stephanie Urchick said when announcing the partnership in January. 
At the center of the partnership is a program enabling Rotary and Rotaract clubs to make commitments to the health of their own nearby waterways. Called “Community Action for Fresh Water,” the program encourages clubs to organize river cleanup days, raise awareness in their communities about the importance of healthy waterways, conduct basic water quality tests, and report their findings.
These locally based activities are crucial to protecting the environment on a global scale, says Rafael Peralta, regional director and representative for the UNEP’s office for North America.
To participate, Rotary and Rotaract clubs can identify a local body of water (river, lake, wetland, or natural reservoir) and commit to protecting and restoring it. They can then engage with the local community and other relevant groups to identify any major threats to the body of water and ultimately develop a plan of action in coordination with nongovernmental organizations, private enterprises, or government agencies.
If your club is interested in learning more, and perhaps adopting a waterway in your area, you can reach out to the District Environmental Sustainability Team for some guidance.
The District Pilot Pollinator Garden at Camp Edmar in the Kutztown area is thriving. The Kutztown Rotary Club led an effort on the Rotary Day of Service to remove leaves and weeds from the garden beds. It appears that all 130 plants survived the winter with no frost, deer, or rabbit damage. Our fingers are crossed that the bees and other pollinator insects will show up soon.
A big thank you to all the Rotarians around our District who participated in an environmental project this spring. Your work to clean up our communities, plant trees, and create pollinator gardens grows every year.  The District Environmental Sustainability Team appreciates all the work you do. We’re looking for more Rotarians to join our team. Please consider it.
Terry Reed
District Environmental Sustainability Chair
YEA! YEA! It’s time to Register for STEM YEA 2024!
Registration for STEM YEA 2024, our District-wide STEM event for rising seventh graders, has begun. The deadline for registration is May 1, 2024. Tuition for your sponsored student is $375. 
The event is being held from July 11-14 at Kutztown University. The theme is “Astrobiology: The Search for Life on Mars.”
Students are nominated by their schools and sponsored by their local Rotary Clubs. The nominated students should be: 
  • Motivated to learn in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
  • Likely to enjoy and succeed in an overnight academy 
  • Unable to access STEM enrichment activities.
Please check our website for more information STEM Youth Explorer Academy | Home (stemyea.com) or contact Rolf Schlake (rolf.schlake@gmail.com) or Gwenn Carr (gwenn.carr@verizon.net.

It’s contribution time! Have you made your contribution to the Rotary Foundation? Your contribution enables us to implement projects locally and around the world. Please consider giving before June 30.
 The Rotary Peace Fellowship application for fully funded 2025 fellowships is now available for both our master’s degree programs and our professional development certificate programs. The application deadline is May 15. Candidates can learn more and start an application:https://my.rotary.org/en/peace-fellowship-application .
Let us have our District sponsor an applicant. You can contact Bill Hunter at wdh3@lehigh.edu
Our Rotary Foundation Dollars at work – International Projects:
Did you ever hear of the country Burkina Faso? Burkina Faso is in the Sahel region of West Africa. The Sahel region ranks among the lowest on the United Nations Development Program Human Development Index (HDI). For the first time, our District is supporting a global grant in this country under the leadership of Kate Hoath from the Souderton-Telford Club. The grant is helping over 200 (and more in the future) students in a middle school by providing: equipment/materials and installation of water for toilet blocks, including hand-washing stations with sinks, equipment/materials and installation of solar panels/batteries for the middle school, and books/desks for basic education. The project had been delayed for quite a while due to country conflict. We are now very excited that the work has begun. Way to go Souderton-Telford!
Our Rotary Foundation Dollars at work – Local Projects
Mental Health issues are being addressed by our Easton Club with “Mindfulness Matters.”
This is a project being implemented in conjunction with the Local YMCA to address mental health needs for children as well as seniors.


Inbox Zero?
When you send an email through ClubRunner, do you check your stats, to see how many of your club members are receiving and opening your emails? This is an important, even crucial, part of your public image work. What’s the point of taking hours putting together a bulletin or organizing an email campaign to your members if fewer than 2/3 of your email list will be reading your emails? (See image below for a stats report)
Within the last few months, ClubRunner has begun putting a warning on the home page of your website when you are logged in, after you click “Member Area,” letting you know that there are unresolved mailing errors. It looks like this:
Attention Needed: There are blocked emails that require your attention. As a result, some recipients may not be receiving emails. Review the Blocked Email list here.
It also appears on the District’s home page, so that I can see there are 42 pages of members in our district whose email addresses are blocked from receiving mail through ClubRunner. Some of those addresses have been blocked since 2016.
Some of the reasons for emails being blocked include names not being recognized by a business, probably because the member has changed jobs but did not update the email address. Many have marked Rotary email as spam. Several have spelling errors somewhere in the address. 
It would be a huge help to your club and your district if you cleaned up your club’s email list. During a meeting, ask your members to look at their profiles on CR and check their emails. If they have downloaded the CR mobile app, it shouldn’t take more than four minutes to complete. If they have listed Rotary email as spam, you may want to have another kind of discussion with the member; do they know they did that? Did they feel they get too many emails from your club? 
At the district level, we do try to keep the emails you receive to a minimum. If you are reading this, thank you. Your email is clear!
Marlene Heller
The Beacon
If you were at MAPETS in February, you were fortunate enough to witness Jason Browne’s “Uncheck the Box” presentation. It was a fun and engaging presentation that helped all of us see what practices we do in our meetings that may or may not make people feel welcome in our circles without making people feel bad. 
On Saturday, April 6, from 10 a.m. – Noon, our two zones (28 and 32) will host a Train the Trainer for anyone interested in welcoming outsiders and helping us to grow our membership. We hope you can join us.
Click below for the free registration. 
Countdown to Columbia! 34 Days Away!
The Rotaplast team is busy getting ready for its next mission, which starts on May 5th!
Please meet our team:
Mission Commander: Randy Floyd – Fleetwood RC
Quartermaster: Steven Kendra – Souderton-Telford RC
Ward Coordinator: Judy Bucko – Doylestown RC
Trip Historian: Darlene Scott- Souderton – Telford RD
PACU Assistant: Mike Scott - Souderton – Telford RD
Children’s Activity Director: Andy Johanson: Blue Bell RC
Patient Transport: Leonard Walter – Fleetwood RC
Ever wonder what happens on a Rotaplast Mission? You can follow the mission on the Rotaplast website. Here is the LINK to the most recent mission in Cebu City, Philippines.
Don’t forget to come visit us at the District Conference in the House of Inspiration! 
Want to help? We will be collecting teenie Beanies at the HOI to take on the mission to hand out to the kids
Camp Neidig Update March 2024
The 2024 Camp Neidig registration is officially underway. We currently have 29 clubs registered with 94 camper spots reserved. The Camp Neidig program needs 113 students to break even at our current $325 camper fee. The Camp Neidig Committee is requesting help with two things.  
Clubs that have not registered should register by clicking this link Club Registration 2024. There is no finanacial obligation until you register students. The second thing is to get campers registered by May 15. The packets with all the information is posted on our website: http://www.campneidig.com/forms--registration.html. If you missed the Camp Neidig training, please contact Wendy Body wgbody@yahoo.com and she can set up an individual training session.
The Camp Neidig Program is an incredible opportunity for students who have completed their junior year and will be starting their senior year in the autumn. Your club can help to alter the course of a young person’s life by sponsoring them. We appreciate your support of our camp.
April is Environment Month
Protecting the Environment – it’s one of Rotary’s areas of focus. Rotarians are committed to supporting activities that conserve and protect natural resources, advance ecological sustainability, and foster harmony between communities and the environment.
This is Environment Month in Rotary. In District 7430, we’re celebrating our focus on the environment by once again holding the Rotary Day of Service on April 20. On that day and throughout the month Rotarians across our 5-county District will be cleaning up their neighborhoods (streets, streams, parks, and trails), planting trees for the next generation, starting pollinator gardens to help increase our pollinating insect populations, and recycling single use plastics so they don’t end up in landfills.
At the District Assembly, the Environmental Sustainability Team will be presenting a breakout session on successful projects carried out by our District Clubs. Come to learn about projects that make a difference. We’ll talk about how to get started with your own pollinator and community gardens, tree plantings, stream restoration, and plastics recycling. And, you’ll hear how Rotarians are helping kids recycle food in schools so it stays out of landfills.
If you can’t make it to the conference, feel free to give me a call to discuss how you can get started with your club’s next environmental project. (Terry Reed 610-743-0818)
Do you garden with wildlife in mind? Here are some tips from Kay Greenawalt of the Hamburg Rotary Club:
By providing the basic elements of habitat – food, water, and cover, you can easily attract birds, butterflies, and bees to your garden. One way to reduce reliance on chemical fertilizers is to plant native plants. Native plants thrive with little water. Using native plants helps to support 90 percent of butterflies and moths and up to 60 percent of native bees in a specific ecoregion. Bees are currently declining due to habitat loss and pesticide poisoning and are in need our help.
To learn more about supporting wildlife, you are invited to join the Hamburg National Wildlife Habitat Committee’s ANNUAL GARDEN TOUR, Saturday, June 22, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Tickets are $6 on the day of the tour and $5 presale. Self-guided tour guide and tickets can be picked up at Our Town Foundation, 320 State Street, Hamburg, PA. Any questions, please call Kay 610-562-4329 or 610-562-3106. Rain or shine. Light refreshments and door prizes will be available.
What’s Your Story?

Or should I say, what is your ROTARY story? And who are you telling it to? We all have a reason why we chose to join Rotary and it must be compelling because you are here. If you missed the email from RI regarding this very topic, please dig through your email or follow the link below to register for a great Storytelling Webinar and take your story from interesting to IRRESISTABLE! 
If we want to grow Rotary, we need to share our stories and share this link. Let’s all improve our storytelling and make the TRUTH about Rotary shine a bright beacon of light in the direction of our future Rotarians.
“Connect and Inspire Through Storytelling”:
District 7430 Learning Plan for 2023-2024
District 7430 Rotarians
Creating Hope in the world by Making the MAGIC happen
Membership Monday
“Membership Retention and Engagement”
6:00 PM
All are welcome; especially suited to Membership Chairs and Club Presidents
Gail Micca
Check the District website for registration information
ZOOM; registration required
Look for the exchange students to bring some youthfulness to the District Conference on April 27. If your club hasn’t hosted a student in the past or sent a student abroad for a year, please take some time during the conference to ask these youth how it has impacted their life so far. You will be amazed by their answers. The new experiences have included everything from a new after school sport, trying new foods (someone ate chicken feet during our trip to NYC!), meeting new people (at school and through Rotary) and even going axe throwing! Do you remember the first time you experienced snow? We have two students who can tell you their stories from a few weeks back when the snow descended upon us.
How can you help shape the lives of our future leaders?
The RYE committee is looking for a few volunteers to help with the 2024-25 program. You must be able to pass the PA State background checks and have a willingness to support high-school-aged students as they embark on a year of new experiences.  It could be anything from being a chaperone at an event, providing rides to group outings or being a shoulder to cry on when they feel homesick or to celebrate with them when they get their report card with good grades. Maybe you'll teach them how to make your favorite meal, or open your vacation home to the group for the weekend, or share your season passes to a museum, a sporting event or the theatre. There’s so much to share and allow these students to enjoy during their time in the United States and, particularly, in PA. Our volunteers give the time they are able with the skills and passions they are willing to share with these students. Reach out to one of our committee members to learn more. https://www.rotary7430yep.org/page/committee-members 
We can do more when we have more. We’d also like to give a shout out to all the current committee members who have dedicated their time this year to support these outstanding students. We look forward to more good times in the future.
The Big-Ticket Reverse Raffle is on April 13, 2024, at the Indian Valley Country Club. All net proceeds go to the Rotary District 7430 STEM Youth Explorer Academy.
Join us for a night that includes dinner, dancing, a photo booth, prizes, gorgeous baskets and a caricaturist.
Dr. Laura McBride is the keynote speaker. She will share highlights of her STEM journey from Methacton High School to being an internationally recognized specialist in climate science.
For tickets contact Al Engel (alengel007@aol.com) or Darlene Scott (dscott8956@gmail.com).
Catch up with other STEM YEA enthusiasts at this event!
D7430 Rotaplast Welcomes Two New Members!
The D7430 Rotaplast would like to welcomes our two new members, Steve Kendra and Len Walter. Steve and Len will be embarking on our next Rotaplast Mission to Medellin, Columbia in May. Steve will be the Quartermaster and Len will be handling patient transport. We hope that this will be the first of many missions for them. 
Don’t forget to stop by the House of Inspiration at the District Conference in April to learn more about Rotaplast and the upcoming mission!
Steve Kendra has been a Rotarian since 2012. He chairs the Project Selection Committee and the Jim Church Classic Basketball Tournament for the Souderton Telford Club. He co-owned a family industrial weighing business in Quakertown for twenty-five years, then worked as the director of the NF Endurance Team for The Children’s Tumor Foundation for eight years in New York City.  More recently he has been tour-bus operator and a school bus driver for a local school district.  Steve has worked and served as president of several nonprofit organizations including Angel Flight East, The International Society of Weighing and Measurement, and The Hilltown Civic Association.
Leonard Walter is a retired Realtor and auctioneer.
He and his wife, Ruth, have five children, eight grandchildren and nine great grandchildren.
Len has a couple of part-time jobs and enjoys hunting, bowling and watching sports. Leonard is a member of the Harleysville Rotary club, and a charter member since 1994.
Time, is on our side, yes, it is!
It can be if we plan…I remember this song from the Rolling Stones (more than a few years ago). The Rolling Stones say we can be free if we plan. As painful as planning can be, the results of not planning are much worse. 
In our crazy, busy lives we have little time to dawdle. We have tasks to be completed (family, work, and volunteer) and often feel overwhelmed. Try looking ahead to determine what’s due and when. Perhaps the items closest to being due are the most unappetizing and are the ones we push out. Those are the ones we need to complete first to help us move on to the ones we certainly enjoy as dessert! 
In the March 4th Public Image Forum learn more about planning using a simple calendar and a more sophisticated workflow. Hopefully, these tools will provide you with more time for what you want to do in your downtime! 

District 7430 Learning Plan for 2023-2024
Public Image Forum
“Social Media Secrets”
6:00 PM
Public Image chairs and those interested in Public Image
Amy Sheller
ZOOM; registration required
Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI)
7:30 AM
All District Rotarians
Mary Cook
Check District website for registration information
DeSales University; registration is required
District 7430 Rotarians 
Creating Hope in the world by Making the MAGIC happen
Membership Monday
“Membership Retention – Surveys and Feedback”
6:00 PM
All are welcome; especially suited to Membership Chairs and Club Presidents
Gail Micca
Check District website for registration information
ZOOM; registration required
Stay tuned for upcoming learning opportunities with Rotary Leadership Institute.

The Rotary Leadership Institute is a multi-district, grassroots leadership development program of member districts organized into regional divisions throughout the world. RLI conducts a series of quality leadership development courses for potential club officers and all other club members, including those who have recently joined a Rotary Club. The courses emphasize both leadership skills and knowledge of Rotary around the world. All course sessions are completely interactive. RLI believes that leadership education has a positive impact on membership retention by creating enthusiasm and furthering engagement for Rotary.
For more information www.rlinea.org  If you have any questions, you may reach out to Mary Cook, District 7430 Site Chair at marycook7430@gmail.com